Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q.I've never purchased anything online before. How do I use the shopping cart?
  • A. The shopping cart is simple. When you want to purchase an item, click the "buy" button at the bottom of the product. That product will then be added to your shopping cart. After adding the product to your shopping cart, just follow the instructions that appear at the bottom of the shopping cart page.

  • Q.I've never shopped on the site before. Where should I start?
  • A. Before you start shopping, create a profile with us by clicking on the "Register" link at the top of the page. You will need to create a profile before you purchase any products.

  • Q.If I don't see a product listed that I want, can I place a special order?
  • A. Yes, we can place special orders on specific products. Just drop us an email at and a sales representative will contact you as soon as possible.

  • Q.Is it safe to use my credit card online?
  • A. Yes, we have a secure site using SSL encryption. You can feel assured that no one else will be able to view your credit card information or other personal information.

  • Q.What does Truck Freight mean in the shipping sections?
  • A. Truck Freight means that this item is an oversized item and that it cannot be shipped UPS. Depending on where you are located and what the items are you can expect a substantial amount to ship your item. Truck freight means that a tractor trailer will be delivering your products to your location. Starting truck freight is usually a $125.00 minimum charge. Any item that measures over 8 feet or weighs over 100 lbs cannot be shipped UPS and must ship truck freight.

  • Q.What if I already purchased a product and want to see if it has been shipped?
  • A. First, log-in and then click the "view cart" tab at the top of the page. You are then able to view your order status and/or history.

  • Q.What if I am not satisfied with something on my order?
  • A. While we certainly hope this doesn't happen, we strive to make returns as painless as possible. Go to our company policy tab and click on Returns and follow the easy directions!

  • Q.What if I need to contact someone?
  • A. Click on the "Contact Info" tab at the top of the site. You will then enter the contact information page that will provide you with the necessary telephone numbers or email addresses.

  • Q.What if I want to change my billing address or any other type of personal information?
  • A. Click on the "My Profile" tab at the top of the page. You will then enter an account management center. Click on the "Edit My Profile Information" tab and make necessary changes.

  • Q.What is the fastest way to find a product?
  • A. Type in the product name, product number, or description in the quick search box and click "go."

  • Q.Why are my shipping costs different than on my order?
  • A. When you place your original order you are given a shipping estimate by UPS weight rates to your zip code. This does not include if you have more than one package or excess shipping dimensions. When you are emailed your tracking information the correct amount of shipping charges will be on that invoice.

  • Q.What is American Arborist Supplies?
  • A.We are a leading retail and wholesale supplier to arborists and the tree care industry. We provide the widest selection and competitive prices to assure your satisfaction.

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